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Benefits of using iPads in the Classroom

Gabrielle Cox • May 30, 2017

Just some of the advantages of using iPads in the classroom.

The use of iPads in classrooms, in schools across the country is a popular and growing trend, with many intruding 1-1 iPads, with one for each child. Not only does using these devices encourage the use of technology throughout the school but they are also an exciting way for children to learn.
Below we've put together a list of just some of the benefits of using iPads in a school environment.

Improve Young Pupils' Skills
The BBC recently reported a study which showed that young children's maths, English and communication skills all improved if they regularly used iPads in school, on a regular basis. The study - Mobile Devices in Early Learning - was carried out over two years and involved about 650 pupils in five Belfast primary schools and five nursery schools. The children were reported to find using the iPads for learning as fun and were therefore more motivated, engaged and enthused. (See full report here ).

Fewer physical resources:
Rather than handing out piles of paper and spending hours planning and creating multiple resources, iPads allow for a huge number of digital resources to be accessed by everyone in the room. Devices also allow for work to be exchanged between staff and students in an instant. Lesson plans or meeting notes can be sent between staff members and students can submit work via email or virtual learning environment ready for staff to digitally mark and send feedback.

Class Participation:
With over 65,000 education apps available for iPads, there are a huge number of apps which cater to group participation activities. The BBC study above found that, perhaps surprisingly, even when using individual iPads, there was increase in classroom communication from the students.

Classroom control:
By using an effective MDM solution on the iPads in their classroom, teachers are able to quickly and easily monitor and control what children are doing. Distractions can be frozen or shut down remotely allowing for teaching staff to keep control of every device. Staff can also receive analytics about the apps used and how and when students are working.

Want to bring iPads into your classroom or need advice on how better to utilise and manage your existing devices?
Get in touch on 0117 2140 299 or contact us here , we can help.

Or view the Apple Curriculum

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